Friday, April 8, 2011

Real Snail Mail: E-mails Delivered At The Speed of A Snail

You may have heard someone refer to their "snail mail" before, as they patiently waited for an e-mail to come through, but that was just a nickname. The folks down at boredomresearch took the phrase a bit too literally, and have created the internet's first ever E-mail service run by snails. 

At RealSnailMail, when you send a message, the message is immediately sent to their servers, and assigned a snail. Once assigned, the message is transfered over into a small memory unit attached to the back of the snail via a circuit and antennae. The Snail will be on the receiving side of the enclosure when the message is assigned to it, and once the message is copied over, the snail is released. Once it reaches the other side of the enclosure, the mail is transferred back to the servers, and delivered to the recipient; hence the speed of a snail.

The project has been an educational project to inspire creative minds to think beyond the norm in regards to technology. A good portion of the snails were collected by the children from Castle Hill Community Primary School in Folkestone, and the drawings from the children were used on the Snail Profile Page. This is definitely one of the more creative and funny projects I have seen in technology to date.

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