Ever have trouble with your WiFi signal? Say you're sitting on one side of the house on your laptop, and the wireless router is on the other end of the house. You're trying to surf the net, or play an online game, and the internet is continuously giving you problems due to less signal on that side of the house. Well, believe it or not, in late 2011 there is a new wireless standard coming out that can cover up to 12,000 square miles with signal!
After cleaning the orange juice I had been drinking off my screen, I read on to discover the technology that is being utilized to make this possible is the very same as TV broadcasting. The signal will be broadcast over UHF, and VHF frequencies, which will allow it to cover an extremely large area. The new 802.22 standard will be using the "white spaces" in between regular TV channels, and vacant channels to broadcast at 22Mbps. The new technology is planned to be used with rural areas where service cannot be provided through most ISPs, and also in developing countries, and areas that need it. Even with the different standard, geotagging, and other location based technologies will still function normally as well.
We're not yet certain on an exact date when we will be seeing this technology used with the public, but it has been developed, and it is in the works.